Latest version can be downloaded from the Google Play Store
Date: 2023-08-25
- Possible to pause the execution of a task and retrieve it (note: if priority changes the task restarts)
- IMPORTANT: This will only work with the latest AYB device firmware version (contact dotOcean if you want to upgrade)
- Possible to navigate in constant thrust modality safely
- Bugfix: synchronization with cloud
Date: 2023-06-20
- Upgraded internal navigation components & communication
- Improved internal handling of tasks
- Fixed re-connection issues to the database
- Decreased CPU usage for the virtual rangefinders.
- Removed limitation to save a started/queued task for the app
- Revamped the project detail page on the app
- Added a new maps (light/dark)
- Improved drawing the task on the map
- Improved the display of vessel command & control widget
- Added “accept” notification to restart a task
- Improved the cloud service to handle future survey configurations
- Possible to edit the tasks while executing
- Possible to add/change/remove layers while executing a task
- Activated ColRegs behaviors with vessel size awareness
Date: 2022-02-28
- Desired heading and speed added to vessel
- Range of radar is now shown (if available)
- Object avoidance: Objects that are seen by the radar are now colored:
- Detected: yellow
- Active monitoring: orange
- Avoiding: red
- States of radar, virtual range finder, AIS and object monitor added (if available)
- Task states added to vessel
- Changed Start/stop markers of a task
- Bugfixes
Date: 2021-10-25
- Supported vessels can now add relays to switch
- Vessel config added
- Updated the app to be compatible with .NET Core 5.0 backend
- Removed range finders from the app
- Various bugfixes / instability issues fixed
Date: 2020-12-10
- Start/stop markers have been added to the tasks
- Vessel logs now available at <Vessel detail - Logs>
- Map gridlayer with coordinates have been added
- Rotation of grid tasks made more accurate (0.1)
- Added support to import DXF-files
- Bugfixes
Date: 2020-12-10
- Fixed an issue where the app would not load
Date: 2020-12-01
- Import grid (task or layer) from a CSV/TXT/SHP file added
- User can now select coordinate system at export project
- User can now select coordinate system at import waypoints/grid (new task)
- Added a warning on calculate path if the grid is not intersecting a water layer or no path is found
- Changed precision of grid angle to 0.1
- Changed zoom level of the map to zoom further
- Singlebeam line on the map is now thinner
- Map layers added to new/edit layer page
- Updated the start/stop execute/log vessel buttons to be more clearly
- Removed logging info from vessel detail page
- Moved the import button on the task page to be more clearly
- Fixed an issue where the home position of a project was not updated correctly
- Fixed an issue where the export keeps loading
- Fixed an issue where enable/disable of a layer was not saved
- Small bugfixes
- 2.0.1
Date: 2020-06-03
- Implemented new projections
- Avoidance settings are now visible for everyone
- Fixed Import SHP-file bug
- Fixed rudder control bug
- Added auto remove of log files
- 2.0.0
Date: 2020-04-17
- Framework updated to Ionic 5 / Angular 9
- New vessel icons have been added: 3 colors can be adjusted in the vessel detail page
- Projects:
- Reworked Active / Archived buttons
- Removed Survey Areas from New/Edit project page
- Layout reworked
- Project Detail:
- Reworked vessel pane
- Reworked task pane
- Is now collapsable
- Shows own task colors instead of vessel colors
- Shows more information like the total distance and estimated time
- Reworked legend pane
- Removed task list page
- Task Detail:
- Reworked task options
- When a task has been drawn, the total distance and estimated time will be shown. This takes into account the distance from the vessel to the first point, speed, lane width and sail direction options
- Calculate path button added:
- When a task has been drawn into a water layer and this button is pressed, the path planner will try to calculate a path that avoids other layers (No-Go, Bridge, Pier)
- Survey areas have been replaced by a survey layer. This is a passive layer and will not be taking into account of the path planner.
- Reworked task options
- Vessels:
- Reworked Online / Offline buttons
- Reworked list of vessels
- Vessel Detail:
- Reworked tabs and views
- Range finders tab added (If available) that shows where the rangefinders are on the boat and their value
- Added new control to select colors for the vessel
- Added new menu page Layers: Layers can be used for path calculation or to show a passive survey area on the map
- For a path calculation to correctly work, a water layer is needed. Non-sailable layers need to be added inside the water layer to avoid in the path calculation
- Added list of layers
- Added Layer Detail
- 1.1.1
Date: 2019-07-29
- External GPS information added
- Vessel detail page revamped
- Project detail page revamped
- Add/Edit task page revamped
- 1.0.5
Date: 2019-02-25
- Remember selected map layer
- Add vessel to task directly at creation
- Extra alert added upon removing a task
- Fixed an issue causing survey area's to not work correctly
- Several bugfixes
- 1.0.4
Date: 2018-08-20
- Add z-coordinate to export files
- Add process manual control
- 1.0.3
Date: 2018-07-06
- Project detail vessel footer revamped
- User is now able to attach survey areas to a project
- It is now possible to set a min/max depth to a project (and to the legend)
- Bugfixes
- 1.0.1
Date: 2018-03-02
- Fixed an issue where WebSockets do not work under https-protocol
- 1.0.0
Date: 2018-03-01
- First stable release of the app for Calypso
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