Upon creating a waypoint task or grid task, it is possible to import points from a .txt/.csv file or from QINSY by tapping the insert icon in the bottom left corner. A file explorer window will appear where the file can be selected.
After selecting the correct import file, one can choose the corresponding projection.
The following projections are currently supported:
- European Terrestria Reference System 1989
- ETRS89 / UTM zone 31N
- ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N
- Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72
- NAD83(NSRS2007) / Alaska zone 4
- OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
- RGF93 / CC47
- RGF93 / CC49
- RGF93 / CC50
- Amersfoort / Rijksdriehoek
- World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)
The following describes the supported formats.
Shape file
A shape file is a binary file with .shp as extension.
The shapefile can contain polylines or/and polygons.
Comma separated file
A comma separated file is a text file with .csv as extension and consist of 2 columns.
The first column is always the latitude or the Y value. The second column is always the longitude or the X value.
- All values in the file need to be separated by a comma (,) or by semicolon (;).
- Latitude and longitude are decimal degrees (WGS84).
- Decimals should contain a period as decimal sign.
- The headers are obligated, but not processed. The first line is ignored.
Qinsy file
A Qinsy file is a text file exported from the qinsy software suite and has .txt as extension.
- The headers of the file should contain “Latitude1” and “Longitude1”.
- The values of the file should be formatted in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds. Therefore, only GPS WGS84 is supported.
- All values must be separated by a comma
- All lines must be separated by a new line
- The next lines of the file must contain the Latitude1 and Longitude1 values. The format of this values must be: xx;xx;xx.x N, x;xx;xx.x E (ex.: 51;12;05.4 N, 3;11;42.3 E)
Import target
Survey task
All of the values will be used to import waypoints.
Supported file types: shapefile, csv, qinsy
Only the first 4 values will be used to import as a grid. If the values already subscribe a grid as waypoints, then use a waypoint task to import this file.
Supported file types: shapefile, csv, qinsy
All of the values will be built to generate a layer.
Supported file types: shapefile, csv
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